Two Of The Best Days Ever
on Dec 24, 2014We finished our short trip to Bush Lodge, arriving at the airstrip at 10am on Friday morning and leaving at 11am Sunday....only two days, but two of the best days ever for both of us.

We saw a huge number of all the animals, and were thrilled, but if we had not seen one, it would have been a glorious trip. Bush Lodge, and its employees, were wonderful, it is a wonderful facility and we were treated like family, with love and care for every detail. We were busy learning the entire time.

Our Ranger, Rika Venter, was the very best....she knows everything about that environment, is warm and personable, fun and funny, and the perfect hostess. She is exceptional!! We adored all the staff. Petunia was assigned to our table at meals and was terrific. I have a picture together with her to help remember her excellent warmth.

Please communicate to those in charge of the administration of Bush Lodge at Sabi Sabi of our complete satisfaction, and rest assured that we will constantly be telling our friends in California of a place they must see.

Warmest regards, and fond memories
Gil Duncan