Thank You For Your Hospitality
on Dec 24, 2014I would like to take this opportunity to write and thank you for the wonderful experience I had while staying at Little Bush Camp. I had a wonderful time and really appreciate the service I received. Special thanks to Alta, Solly and Richard for their kindness and hospitality. I would also like to let the lady know who always served my meals, I'm afraid I forget her name, how much I appreciated how kindly she took care of me. Even when I was too busy to eat she always tried to work around my itinerary.

Richard and Solly; I was very impressed by their knowledge of both the wildlife and the landscape. Their tracking skills were amazing and they really made an effort to entertain us whilst explaining clearly what we were looking at or for. I work as a customer relations manager and I was amazed by their knowledge and can't help thinking of the training they must have received.

I look forward to visiting again and will give the highest recommendations to all my friends and colleagues. I believe that there are many potential Japanese customers. Please accept my heartfelt thanks for your kindness.
Warm regards,
Minako Kimoto
レンジャーは洗練されたドライビングテクニックとその感性を駆使して 次から次へと、あっという間に美しい動物達の間近まで導いてくれます。 野生動物だけでなく、植物学、天文学、環境学、生態系に至るまで 時には気転の効いたジョークを交え、私たちの知識欲を満たしてくれる その見識の深さ、最高の演出に感動しきりでした。

優雅で、忘れられない素敵な時間を与えてくれた レンジャー、スタッフの皆さんに心から感謝します。