Celebrating Our 20th Anniversary At Bush Lodge
on Dec 22, 2014Returning to Sabi Sabi Bush Lodge for the second year in a row was like going home. Of course, it isn't our home (which is 9,600 mi/15,450 km away in the Rocky Mountains), but everyone there made us feel that way. It is hard to imagine that we could have had a better time this year than the fantastic time we had last year, but we did!

Our ranger, Calvin was tops with vast knowledge of the bush, animals and their behavior, birds and plant life. He is also knowledgeable of photography and was most helpful in giving us tips on different settings for the cameras, moving us into better light for our photos if at all possible and having a good-hearted laugh at the seemingly millions of photos Debbie was taking so as not to miss an instant of action! His sense of humor throughout made it a very pleasurable experience.

Rondy was our eagle-eyed tracker. It seems everyone asks how these trackers see what they do and it is truly amazing. He spotted things that were so far away we had to stop and look through binoculars just to find them. The animal sightings were amazing and we have both Rondy and Calvin to thank for that.
Our favorite sightings were three lionesses which we followed for a very long time in the morning watching them play; the three lions we saw on a night drive; and the baby rhino that we nicknamed "Happy Feet" who did this crazy dance jumping up off the ground like something was tickling his feet. He did this over and over and then we saw him again the next day, and he did it all over again.

We also had a wonderful time visiting a local village. Our first stop was to the pre-school where we were treated with songs, hugs and lots of "high-fives" by the cheerful children. Our time in the herbalist's hut was fascinating. Imagine being told after 20 years of marriage and no children that you were going to have 4! The village women performed for us and included us in their dance while the chief watched with a big smile. We recommend this to everyone who goes to Sabi Sabi. It feels good to know that your contribution goes to the village, where many of the staff at Sabi Sabi are from.

Many thanks to Lauren, manager of Bush Lodge and her husband, Rod, Managing Director of Sabi Sabi, for making our time there so special in many ways. The brunch we had in the bush was a memorable way to celebrate our anniversary. You're the best! We will return without a doubt!

Best regards always,
Debbie Might & Mark Steinberg