monochrome monday #6
on Jan 26, 2015Monochrome Monday is a way of seeing the world from a different perspective. There are an estimated 10 million different colors the human eye can pick up, as apposed to 450 odd shades of grey, but these colors can sometimes distract from the natural beauty of a subject.
“The most colorful thing in the world is black and white, it contains all colors and at the same time excludes all.” Vikrmn
An old buffalo bull takes a refreshing dip on a hot summers day.
A young bull elephant shows us his version of a Leatherman.
A Fourways male looks out for his brother calling in the distance.
A cheetah takes a quick few minutes rest as it moves across the reserve.
A Wahlberg’s eagle gets harassed by a pair of Fork-tailed Drongos.
The Tortilis male rests on a Marula tree whilst waiting for his mother to return with food.
A Fourways male rests in the shade on an extremely hot summers afternoon.
A female leopard finds the perfect vantage point to search for prey and to have a short rest.
A large stallion looks out valiantly after chasing off another younger male.
The powerful and mesmerizing stare of the largest land predator in Africa.
Bring your creativity to life.