nottins female kills an immense colossal african rock python
on Jun 05, 2013During the course of the day, we heard a report from the staff members at Sabi Sabi that a leopard had been sighted, having killed a huge snake. Having heard this there was an immediate influx of excitement amongst the rangers after receiving this exciting news.
The evening safari departure seemed like it took forever to come around as everyone was eagerly anticipating the discovery of such a rare sighting. The level of excitement amongst the guides was at an all time high. With the knowledge of where this epic event took place, the guides and trackers set off to discover what had actually happened. After trying to put the pieces together of what had happened between the two animals, a call came over the radio that Nottins female had killed a massive African Rock Python.
On arrival at the sighting we saw the beautiful leopard in a thicket. In front of her was the monster serpent, her catch that she was starting to feast on. The python was a colossal. And we estimated it to be around the four meter mark. After a few minutes the leopard preceded to get up and drag the python over a small open area towards a Jackalberry tree.
You could see the focus in her eyes, as she got to the base of the Jackalberry tree and she evaluated her best route up . As she made the first leap up the tree her rippling shoulder muscles bulged from her body leaving us all in awe and amazement of the pure power of these majestic animals.
Once she had ascended the tree she found a suitable place to stash the kill in order to protect it from the waiting scavengers that would no doubt arrive on the scene at some stage. She then continued to feed.
As time passed the Nottins female decided that she had had a satisfying meal for the time being and descended the tree where she found a suitable place to rest. Here she began grooming herself, looking very content with life. On that note we decided that we should leave her in peace for the evening. This was truly another amazing sighting which allowed us to get a glimpse into the secretive life of this beautiful leopard.