what a way to start 2013
on Jan 19, 2013I had a feeling this was going to be a good year especially seeing as though we made it through the end of the world unscathed. Through the festive season all the lodges were jam packed, energies were high and the bush was pumping. After the start that we had with the Southern Pride pulling down the waterbuck, we could only imagine that there were going to be some good times ahead of us.

This is just a taste of what to expect in 2013 and hopefully the photographic opportunities keep coming. It is hard to believe we are almost through the first month of the year. The Southern Pride has been all over the place when it comes to numbers. There has been a temporary split in the pride and as we know, Floppy Ear is looking after her 2 cubs and there is a possibility that there is a second female with cubs. Two of the females have been looking after the 8 month old cubs and the other 3 adult females have been with the 6 adolescents. The Kruger male has been very quiet lately and the closest I have come to seeing him is when I see his tracks moving back South into a neighbouring reserve. There seems to be an imaginary line that he is very hesitant to cross and this has left a massive area of no mans land between the Southern Pride territory and the Majengies.

In terms of elephants...I don’t believe I have seen more elephants on the reserve ever before. We have had them coming in in droves as they come to enjoy the early fruiting Marula trees that are so prevalent in our area. The early rains have not only left the bush thick and green but allowed the fruiting plants to fruit a little earlier. The bush is brimming with life from small to massive and all these creatures are carrying out their duties making this place tick with the efficiency of a Swiss watch! I can’t wait to see what the rest of 2013 holds for us here at Sabi Sabi.